Are you creative? Do you have an interest in creating? Do you have an eye for details? Are you technically inclined?

If your answer is yes to any of the questions above, be sure to explore the on-site education options in Boden and join one of the fastest-growing industries.

At Boden Game Camp, we offer a wide variety of education programs, ranging from high school level to higher vocational education.


Take your interest and make it your future career

Game Designer

Game and Level Design, Narrative, Scripting and QA – get the experience you need to work as designer in the game industry!

Game Programmer

Gameplay, game physics or AI – get the experience you needto work with programming in the games industry! 

VFX Artist

Get the knowledge you need to work as an indie developer with a focus on game design. Take your interest to the next level!

Gamedev - program

Start your game development even at high school, you will gain the knowledge to generate heavier educations after your three years at Game Dev High school.

Summercamp Boden

For ten weeks, 15 people get an introduction to game development in Boden Game Camp’s state-of-the-art premises at Boden Business Park in Sävast. After the end of the summer camp, there is an opportunity to pick grades in the courses Applied programming and Interface design, which are CSN-eligible.


Get to know us before you steps in to Boden Game Camp. Join our discord to know more people from here.